

  • 以中心化的教學方法:我們的印地語老師除了理解中文、印地語的語法細微差異之外,也能為學生量身訂製專屬課程,以應對台灣和中國學習者常遇到的挑戰和文化不同而感到的困惑。
  • 文化敏感度:我們的印地語老師的教學經驗豐富,自身也會中文,因此能快速地了解中國和台灣學習者的文化背景和語言表達的模式,更能促使學習過程中更具所需的相關性和保持課堂中學習的愉快性。
  • 定制化學習教材:我們的課程教材主要著重在中文和印地語之間的文化理解、生活慣用語而設計,教材內容有提供豐富的相關生活例子和生動的解釋,來以促進學習者的理解。
  • 互動式學習:參與互動式的課程,鼓勵學習者在課堂上積極參與、會話練習和真實情境模擬,以提高口語和聽力的語言能力。

Sample Teaching Material

Hindi Classes Tailored for Taiwanese and Chinese

Welcome to our Hindi classes for Taiwanese and Chinese speakers! Benefit from our teachers’ understanding of Chinese language for a seamless learning experience.

Why Choose Our Hindi Classes?

  • Chinese-Centric Teaching Approach: Our instructors comprehend the nuances of the Chinese language and grammar, allowing them to tailor the curriculum to address common challenges faced by Taiwanese and Chinese learners.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: We understand the cultural context and linguistic patterns that are familiar to Chinese and Taiwanese learners, making the learning process relatable and enjoyable.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage in interactive sessions that encourage active participation, conversation practice, and real-life simulations to enhance language proficiency.



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